Press Release

Press Release

March 22, 2018 Press Release 0

The Boring Futurist is seeking a meeting with SpaceX | Tesla | The Boring Company | Founder Elon Musk 

Representing the Global Leader for Digital Wireless Through-The-Earth Communication and Autonomous VLF Positioning Technology.  

The need for accurate position location measurement using VLF (Very Low Frequency) Beacons in Smart City environments is needed for Search and Rescue through concrete, earth, tunnels and as a primary or redundant technology for autonomous vehicle road safety infrastructure. 

SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA, USA, March 22, 2018:  The Boring Futurist is on a mission to meet personally with Elon Musk, to bring awareness to how a Through-The-Earth wireless “emergency early warning evacuation pre and post disaster communication system” developed for mine safety, has evolved over the past 25 years.  

The technology has evolved into urban environments because of the two terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, with solutions now available for public safety, and the autonomous age.  

The founders of the company represented want to get a face to face meeting with Elon Musk.  

The strength of TTE or Through-The-Earth wireless communication is the covert transmission of data through man-made and natural barriers. This is where existing modes of communication are not able to communicate. The data is secure with 2-way voice, text or raw data, enabling communication and positioning into and out of, radio and GPS denied areas.   

The technology has been validated in the mining sector and applied to new products for the public safety, infrastructure, autonomous, and military sectors, in recent years. TTE digital technology has been validated for urban, police, fire and military.  

TTE also has a future as a positioning and location tool to help protect and save lives, given the recent events in Arizona and the Search and Rescue efforts in Florida.  

Many successful product demonstrations over the years have been performed around the world, in some of the harshest subterranean environments and underground facilities used by or known to humans.  

“It is very difficult to get access to a person like Elon Musk. We are not here to waste his time. This is a validated robust technology that would not only benefit humanity, it would also benefit Mr. Musk’s companies with his current and future endeavors, including to preserve and protect human civilization.” said Joe Miller, Director and Co-Founder. “If there is one person that can be a universal game changer for the much-needed solutions, it is Elon Musk”. Miller added. “Name any catastrophic event whether earthquakes, mudslides, wildfires, hurricanes, oil platforms, terrorism, etc. The technology is a ‘missing link’ to complete the full circle of communication and the gap that exists today for redundancy, when existing terrestrial communication fails”.   

Elon Musk is a Futurist, Explorer, Inventor, Engineer and Entrepreneur. He is the Founder of Tesla, Inc. | SpaceX | The Boring Company, to advance, preserve and protect human civilization.  

The technology company represented provides solutions using VLF technology and builds innovative products that enable positioning technology for smart cities and autonomous vehicles. The company also provides emergency communication for catastrophic disasters natural or other and day-to-day data and voice communications in RF (Radio) denied areas. This includes some of the most difficult communication environments in the world including mines, tunnels, sewers, subways, buildings and search and rescue events.  

The Canadian company represented is headquartered in Toronto, Ontario, and incorporated in 2002. The U.S. subsidiary, is in Independence, Ohio and is the Exclusive Licensee of “Underground Radio” Patent for Urban, Rural, Water, and Space, from Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL).

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